The breadth of the topic and the dangers it brings, especially due to the daily increase in digital opportunities, underscore the importance of computer security today. To do this, it is only necessary to visualize how much data is processed daily on the computer, tablet or smartphone, how many accounts are used in the different applications of the various Internet platforms and how much bank and credit data are available. sensitive information is consulted. All this data is susceptible to attack and without protection is exposed to the actions of cybercriminals, who use it for their own needs. Thus, it is likely that the majority of consumers will be victims at least once in their life of the misuse of their credit card, so that without the necessary measures, violations can lead to significant repercussions.
To prevent cybercriminals from harming a person, their close associates or a company and causing legal consequences for the victim, it is important to familiarize yourself with this topic and learn about the necessary tools to do so.
Computer security, also known as cybersecurity or information technology security, is the area related to computer science and telematics that focuses on the protection of computer infrastructure and everything related to it and, especially, the information contained in a computer or circulating through computer networks.
Computer security is designed to protect computer assets, including the following:
The computational infrastructure: it is a fundamental part for the storage and management of information, as well as for the very operation of the organization. The role of computer security in this area is to ensure that the equipment works properly and to anticipate in case of failures, theft, fires, sabotage, natural disasters, power failures and any other factor that threatens the computer infrastructure.
Users: are the people who use the technological structure, communications area and who manage the information. The system in general must be protected so that their use cannot jeopardize the security of the information and neither that the information they handle or store is vulnerable.
Information: this is the main asset. It uses and resides in the computational infrastructure and is used by users.
Cybercrime refers to the illegal access to private, personal or sensitive data. These can be stolen over the Internet from both a corporate network and the credit cards of people who do not suspect the presence of criminals with the help of various technical means.
Computer fraud, espionage and data theft, the preparation of this type of behavior and sabotage are associated with other types of infractions encompassed as cybercrime. In a broader sense, one can also talk about phishing methods in the field of online banking, DDoS attacks and the creation and dissemination of programs that are used for illegal purposes in the field of computer crime.
Cyber threat intelligence
A cyberattack not only affects an organization's reputation, but also its stakeholder trust, market share, revenue, and profits, but could also result in legal / regulatory non-compliance and financial penalties.
Each group has its own techniques, tactics, and procedures (TTP) that are commonly used to exploit vulnerabilities and existing security controls.
Cyber security solutions
Cloud Security, Identity and Access, Management Architecture, Incident Response, Intelligence Analysis and Tradecraft Services, Penetration Testing, Passive Recognition, Security Assessment, Security Training, Threat Mitigation, Security Assessment vulnerability, privacy impact assessment.
Security government
Security and governance are the controls, directions, and methodologies that drive a company's approach to security. Businesses and organizations require an understanding of how to implement policies and frameworks that apply to their operations to maintain confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
Vulnerability assessment
The rise of sophisticated attackers and the increasing reliance on cloud-based services and SaaS increases the need for greater trust and more useful intelligence to expose your organization to security incidents.
Penetration test
New vulnerabilities are discovered with surprising speed. Threat actors analyze these vulnerabilities to determine if exploit code is available or can be developed.
INTERCER carries out CYBERSECURITY evaluation and testing activities
Certification, inspection and auditing solutions focused on business optimization.
Avda. del Conocimiento nº 34, Parque Tecnológico de Ciencias de la Salud , 18006 Granada, Spain
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